Cash Flow

passive income
The Fast Way To A Life Supported By Passive Income

Imagine that, without any effort on your part, enough money regularly pours into your bank account to meet (or exceed) all your living expenses. Suddenly, work becomes optional and a...

Australian Goverment Stimulus Package COVID-19
Understanding the Government Stimulus Package to stabilise economic downturn in the wake of COVID-19

As we’re all becoming aware, COVID-19 is starting to have a greater impact on our communities. With the State of Victoria declaring a State of Emergency yesterday morning, and the...

work while travelling
Work, Life, Travel – You Can Do It All!

James was twenty-something and eager for adventure when he spotted the advertisement. It read, “Japanese schools seeking English teachers. No experience necessary – we train you.” What followed changed James’s life...

common financial mistakes
5 common financial mistakes people make in their 40s

For many, your 40s are an important decade for building wealth. But while your income may be rising, so are expenses such as mortgages and school tuitions. Choosing which priorities...

good cash flow makes life easier
Good cash flow makes life easier

When you rely on investments for income, cash flow is a crucial part of managing your portfolio. Let’s take a look at what you need to think about when structuring...

profitability vs profit
Profitability vs Profit

Did you know that only 40% of small businesses are profitable? This means that only 40 out of 100 generate profits. The rest are breaking even with their expenses or losing...

calculating cash flow
Calculating Cash Flow

Did you know that over 60% of small businesses fail within their first 6 months of operation? This can be because of several reasons, but one of the most common...

increase cash flow in 8steps
Increase Cash Flow in 8 Steps

There is an easy way to increase cash flow in your business; borrow more money! More money equals more cash flow, right? WRONG! Instead, let’s look at some ideas to...

5 steps manage business growth
5 Steps to Manage Business Growth

Success is the result of business growth, and it’s a glorious thing, but a lot of the time entrepreneurs are so focused on achieving growth – rolling out the new service,...

Scalable Businesses 101: What Makes a Business Scalable?

103% year over year growth in just three years! When you see growth like that, you can't help but wonder how your business could do something like that. This growth...

A Basic Money Management Guide for Small Businesses

Why do businesses fail? The reasons are endless but a recurring problem is a lack of financial know-how combined with lack of education in the running a business successfully. It...

Top 9 Tips for Better Cash Flow Management

Over 90 percent of companies spread throughout Europe, the Middle East, and Africa admit to being somewhat in the dark when it comes to their cash flow. That staggering number...