
credit score impacts borrowing power
What Is The True Impact Of Your Credit Score On Your Borrowing Power?

Your credit score or rating is used by lenders to get a better understanding of any risk they may face when choosing to give you credit or lend you money....

first home
A helping hand to step into your first home

Struggling to save for a 20% deposit on your first home? A recent Australian Government initiative may allow you to buy your first home with a much smaller deposit and...

mortgage payoff or invest
Is paying your mortgage off quicker really the best option?

Let's talk about a classic question. Which is better - mortgage payoff or invest? Not so long ago, one of the most effective, low-risk wealth creation strategies was to use...

Buying a holiday home in Australia
The holiday home romance… Why thousands of Australians are buying their own holiday homes

The sun is shining, the waves lap peacefully on the shore.... A cool ocean breeze wafts gently through your hair and the crisp sand is etched between your toes.... Don't...

5 reasons to refinance your home loan
5 money-saving reasons to refinance your home loan

Do you think of your home loan as set-and-forget? Riding out whatever the original loan terms and prevailing interest rates dish up along the way? You may be doing yourself...

Why it just got hard to get a home loan in Australia
Why it just got hard to get a home loan in Australia

Have you noticed that right now it seems so hard to get a home loan in Australia? It's not just you, there is a reason why this is happening. If...

Buying-A-New-Home-Melbourne-Mortgage-Broker 1
Buying A Home – 13 Things You Need To Know

Ready to make the leap from renting to buying a home? Well, before you begin the search for your perfect home there are lots of questions to find answers to...

Top 10 Debt Management Tips (Regardless of Debt Size)

Did you know that the level of Australian household debt is one of the highest in the world? With three-quarters of Australian households in debt and 3-in-10 households considered to...

Buying your First Home

Owning your own home is the great Australian dream. It is a place you can truly call yours and create your own piece of paradise –paint the walls any colour...

Eliminating Multiple Debts

Australians are extremely fortunate to reside in a beautiful, free country abundant with opportunity, however these opportunities come at a cost. It is the Australian dream to own your own...

Debt Refinancing / Consolidating Debt

Mortgages, car loans and credit cards are common debts that many Australians take on every day. If you have multiple debts, consolidating them into your home loan or into a...

How Debt Consolidation Saved Me $900 Per Month

So to be honest I was really procrastinating writing this blog. I'm not sure if it was because I just didn't know where to start, or because I was so...