Finding Monthly Savings of $305 in our Spending

How We Found Monthly Savings of $305

Sarah & Andrew wanted to save for their dream honeymoon but with a savings plan already in place working towards funding their wedding, they didn’t believe that they had any capacity for additional savings.

After speaking with a Think Big Money coach, Sarah & Andrew implemented some simple tips to find savings of approximately $305 per month by cutting down on their monthly expenditure.

There are many ways to save money without too much hassle, but they offer the potential to save hundreds, if not thousands, of extra dollars in your pocket. Sarah & Andrew are now able to save over $7,000 in 2 years for their honeymoon while maintaining their lifestyle.

So how did Sarah & Andrew find $305 per month of extra savings?

Gas & Electricity:

Sarah & Andrew changed their Gas & Electricity provider and achieved a $34 per month saving. Their monthly bill was reduced from $90 to $80 and the new provider offered a 30% discount for on time bill payment. By ensuring their bill was paid by the due date, their bill was reduced to $56.



Sarah & Andrew reduced their Foxtel package to achieve a monthly saving of $62. Moving from the Platinum HD package costing them $127 per month to the Sports & Drama package reducing their cost to $65 per month.


Car Insurance:

Andrew found an alternative Car Insurance provider with similar policy features that resulted in monthly savings of approximately $18.


Gym Membership:

Sarah & Andrew found an alternative smaller gym to their existing Fitness First Gym which achieved them a $12 per week saving each. This resulted in an average monthly saving of $104 per month combined.


Takeaway Coffee:

Sarah made the decision to make coffee at home and made a $4 per day saving from Monday to Friday. This achieved Sarah a monthly savings of approximately $87.



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